• Angel Eyes Inspections

    Commercial & Residential Inspections by Professionals.

  • Four Point Inspections

    HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Roof Integrity.

  • Windstorm Mitigation Inspection

    The way to reduce insurance rates is to have a safer home.

Commercial & Residential Inspections by Professionals.

We are a leader of commercial and residential inspections, and can help assure that you have adequate protection for your greatest assets, your home and your family. A thorough and comprehensive inspection can identify current and potential issues to your home.

Based on our findings, we can recommend solutions to remedy these situations BEFORE they become a crisis. We will find and report all deficiencies in the current condition of your home.


Your inspection report will likely fall into one of the following categories:

  • Safety Hazard

    An unsafe condition such as a broken window or exposed electric panel.

  • Major Cost

    A large impending expense such as roof covering which needs replacement.

  • Material Defect

    Some aged or flawed components such as solid-strand aluminum electrical wiring.

  • Critical Repair

    Finding issues that can lead to a major cost such as a roof leak.

Angel Eyes Inspections Team

chris guarino

Chris Guarino

For nearly 30 years, Chris has used his skills and credentials to perform the most accurate and reliable inspections in Tri-County area of South Florida. His experience in the construction industry has provided a savvy insight in local building methods and standards.

Marie Sacco

Marie Sacco was born in Brooklyn, NY and moved to Florida in 1990. As co-owner of Angel Eyes Inspections, LLC., Marie has over 5 years experience in the inspection industry and has a sharp eye for identifying home inspection deficiencies. Together, they make a very detailed and professional team.

Insurance Services

Accurate and consistent reporting of wind resistant construction features help to keep your insurance costs down. Here are some common trip-points we avoid:

  • Not contacting city / county building departments to verify the re-roof permit number and application
  • Failure to obtain clear and precise photographs (in particular your attic) of all checks
  • Incorrect verification of roof deck attachment
  • Failure to verify hurricane rating of skylights
  • Incorrect verification of wall attachments and nail patterns.